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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Tectonic Activity on mars, no motion in the mantle prevents tectonic plates from moving, The core lost heat which caused The loss of the magnetic field, every 10,000 years which indicates Age of seamount, The core lost heat which caused no motion in the mantle, every 10,000 years which indicates Tectonic activity on Mars at some point, tectonic plates from moving prevents Tectonic activity on Mars, the prevailing magnetic field which changes every 10,000 years, Tectonic activity on Mars stopped because The core lost heat, Tectonic activity on Mars identifiable by Magnetic strips, The loss of the magnetic field prevents the formation of new magnetic strips, Magnetic strips Which are strips of iron that rise out of a seamount in molten form, strips of iron that rise out of a seamount in molten form which align themselves based on the prevailing magnetic field